Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Results of Sorting People Quiz

As I finished the quiz I was shocked with the results. I saw the facial characteristics and applied it to an ethnicity. There was an old guy with black features but he related himself as a Hispanic. Also most of the "black people" didn't have black skin color. Also some of the Native Americans looked totally white but identified themselves as Native Americans through their ancestry. Also there was what looked like a Palestinian or Middle Eastern man identified himself as white. All in all the results were quite shocking how some people view themselves and identify themselves.

Here are the facts on the web site

1 Race is a modern idea. In ancient times people divided based on class and religion.
2 Race has no genetic basis. There is no gene that distinguishes the so called races
3 Slavery predates race. War and debt made slaves. In America there were just many slaves that looked the same.
4 Race and freedom were born together. Equality was radical but American economy was based on slavery so race was made to deny rights to the slaves.
5 Race justified social inequalities as natural. Laws were passed to justify the actions manifest destiny and taking away of Mexican and Indian lands.
6 Human subspecies do not exist. Humans have not been isolated long enough for evolution of subspecies.
7 Skin color is only skin deep. Skin color does not mean that one will receive all the traits of their color's stereotypes.
8 Most variation is within, not between races. Two Englishmen might be as genetically different as an Englishman and Chinese man.