Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Audience is Choosen

I choose mythology as my research topic. For the project I am choosing to talk to game developers concerning developing a new game about Japanese myths. (Thanks Mrs. Lawson!)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

History of the Modern Olympics

The first Olympics were held in Greece for the appeasement of their gods. The Olympics did not happen again since ancient time until the late 1800's. A man named Pierre de Coubertin started the revival of the Olympic Games. He believed that exercise made a person well rounded. His first attempts were unsuccessful but finally he gathtered elegates from other countries and Pierre convinced thema bout hte olympics and the delagates voted to start the Olympic Games. The first games would be held in Athens Greece. The Olympics began there why not start where we left off?

Reflection on the Movie

The Everest movie was interesting; I liked it. There were many different reasons why people climb up the mountain. The Spanish lady's reason was bluntly nationalistic. She wanted to be the first Spanish woman to summit Everest. The guy with out the face mask, Ed I think?, did the summit for a personal challenge. These two reasons are completely different from the reasons of Norgay the Shirpa guide. He did it for mostly a religious purpose. For him, to summit Everest is like us going to the Holy Land. There he places the colorful flags so that everyone in the whole world can be blessed. But, Norgay does retain a personal self-righteous reason. Norgay wanted to show his father that he can do summit the mountain and make him proud

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Exploring Extremes

Roald Amundsen was the first person to reach the south pole in 1911. Robert Peary was the first man to reach the north pole in 1909, although we all know it was Santa! George Mallory and Andrew Irvine went to the summit of Mt. Everest. George Mallory documented the trip his second time going up Mt. Everest. People would want to have their name remembered so they do extraordinary things. Some went to the highest points on earth, some went to the most northern or most southern parts of the world. As for me, I would stay back home live a peaceful life and not take any big risks unlike these adventurers that risk their lives when off exploring. If the explorer survives the life and death ordeal then the adventure was worth it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More Than 100 Years Later, the World I Live In Still Displays the Impact of the New Imperialism

We are in living in the ripples of the New Imperialism. There is just so much to talk about. Wahhabi's, India's separation by religion, and much more. The area of china is afflicted. The place was once an empire with an emperor but because of imperialism the emperor was overthrown. Civil war and political turmoil occurred until the communist party with Mao Zedong created a somewhat political peace making China Communist Republic. Another area of great interest is the Islamic world. The Muslim Empires dominated most of the world until the siege of Vienna in 1683 September 11th. Then the Islamic world began to decline and the Europeans took nibbles at the Ottoman empire and swallowing whole the Mughal and Safavid Empire. Now the Muslims angry at the decline of Islam are trying to gain back their former prestige and do so by terrorism. That is one reason why they hate us and want to kill us including that it is in their mandate in the Koran to control the world with Islam. Isn;t that a smack to the face. Alrighty now with the topic of Africa. Africa contains one of the most poorest nations in the world. There were once great empires of Egypt and Timbuktu but they are lost to history. Until the 1950's Africa was stripped of it's colonial rulers. The new countries also had racial problems like Apartheid in south africa that wan't gone until 1993! In India there is still somewhat a chaste system in effect. India was much larger in land than now. This happened because the land of India is separated by religions of Hindu and Islam. Britain had to partition the land correctly so that the major Muslim communities and Hindu communities were ruled by their own leaders respectively.

Positive Effects of the New Imperialism

Even with all the bloodshed that occurred during Imperialism, there are still clean patches on the cloth of empire. The lands of India were industrialized and new buildings were built as well as new roads, new telegraph system, and new rail roads. These creations improved communication in the area of India. The there was peace brought in by the British in India. The people of Africa and India were given schools so that the conquered can learn. Another good thing that happened in India was the breaking of the chaste system. The Indians are separated into rigid classes that people of one chaste can only marry and talk to that one chaste. Another plus is that there is a spread of Chrisitanity in the empires.

Negative Effects of the New Imperialism

Where to begin? The Imperial lands are soaked in blood. There are too many live that have been lost to imperialism. The many rebellions that occur ed: Taiping, Boxers, and Sepoy. The empires were multinational and some ethnicities hated each other and wanted to break away from Empire and create there own republics. This is hwy there are so many nationalistic movements appearing in the empires. The Balkans, India, China, and Turkey were all scenes of nationalistic rebellion against empire. In Africa the people were still treated as slaves with poor daily live picking cash crops or mining mountains in Africa. There was such cruelty in one area called the Congo and news back home in Europe shocked the hearers. Also in South Africa there was a great war between Europeans, the Boers and the British, over control of Southern Africa. Britain won but with heavy losses. There was also genocide of the Armenians in Turkey. People also lost their jobs in India when the textile mills out competed the hand woven cloths. This lead to poverty to many people. In India there was famine that killed many people.

What was the New Imperialism?

What was it? I think that the new empires were driven from a newer technological industrial engine, unlike the "old" imperialism which took had lesser tech like sailboats. The New imperialism had steamboats that could cut travel time in a sailboat. This means that the imperial powers can move quicker to mobilize troops and relay messages from home to colony. This quickness made colonizing and dominating faster. The old colonies in the Americas first struggled in the 1600s to fight back Amerindians and dominate the landscape because they had few numbers in the beginning and trips took months to cross the sea. In the new imperialism the imperialists can quickly go and send troops in regular weekly intervals instead of monthly intervals. That is why I think that the Americans won their independence by the fact that not enough British troops came to suppress rebellion at the same time. In India it was a the opposite. The Sepoy Rebellion shows that the British learned from there mistake in hate Unite States and quickly ended it. Am I emphasizing quickly enough? Alos another factor was better technology. The imperialists had repeating guns that could mow down old infantry charges. They didn't learn that it can be used against them and would be utilized when the big imperialist powers would fight in WWI.