Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Negative Effects of the New Imperialism

Where to begin? The Imperial lands are soaked in blood. There are too many live that have been lost to imperialism. The many rebellions that occur ed: Taiping, Boxers, and Sepoy. The empires were multinational and some ethnicities hated each other and wanted to break away from Empire and create there own republics. This is hwy there are so many nationalistic movements appearing in the empires. The Balkans, India, China, and Turkey were all scenes of nationalistic rebellion against empire. In Africa the people were still treated as slaves with poor daily live picking cash crops or mining mountains in Africa. There was such cruelty in one area called the Congo and news back home in Europe shocked the hearers. Also in South Africa there was a great war between Europeans, the Boers and the British, over control of Southern Africa. Britain won but with heavy losses. There was also genocide of the Armenians in Turkey. People also lost their jobs in India when the textile mills out competed the hand woven cloths. This lead to poverty to many people. In India there was famine that killed many people.

1 comment:

  1. Again - a thorough response. Just needs a final once over for spelling.
