Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More Than 100 Years Later, the World I Live In Still Displays the Impact of the New Imperialism

We are in living in the ripples of the New Imperialism. There is just so much to talk about. Wahhabi's, India's separation by religion, and much more. The area of china is afflicted. The place was once an empire with an emperor but because of imperialism the emperor was overthrown. Civil war and political turmoil occurred until the communist party with Mao Zedong created a somewhat political peace making China Communist Republic. Another area of great interest is the Islamic world. The Muslim Empires dominated most of the world until the siege of Vienna in 1683 September 11th. Then the Islamic world began to decline and the Europeans took nibbles at the Ottoman empire and swallowing whole the Mughal and Safavid Empire. Now the Muslims angry at the decline of Islam are trying to gain back their former prestige and do so by terrorism. That is one reason why they hate us and want to kill us including that it is in their mandate in the Koran to control the world with Islam. Isn;t that a smack to the face. Alrighty now with the topic of Africa. Africa contains one of the most poorest nations in the world. There were once great empires of Egypt and Timbuktu but they are lost to history. Until the 1950's Africa was stripped of it's colonial rulers. The new countries also had racial problems like Apartheid in south africa that wan't gone until 1993! In India there is still somewhat a chaste system in effect. India was much larger in land than now. This happened because the land of India is separated by religions of Hindu and Islam. Britain had to partition the land correctly so that the major Muslim communities and Hindu communities were ruled by their own leaders respectively.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for weighing in with an in-depth response. There are some minor spelling and grammar issues -- can you catch those and fix them so they don't distract from your comments? And just to clarify, I know you understand that it is only a minority of followers of Islam who read their Koran a mandate for world domination. Islam teaches that both Jews and Christians are seen as fellow "people of the Book," entitled to respect.
