Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Child Soldiers Summary and Reflection

That article in the New York Times Tells that former children soldiers are now being used to hunt down their former leader, Joseph Kony, in the heart of Africa. I would agree with this stand of using former kid soldiers to hunt their leader because who knows their leader most but those closest to him. I think why most of these former rebel recruits stayed in the army because they want Kony to be stopped once and for all. I agree with the article that these people know one thing to do is warfare. It is sad to see children wiped of their innocence and used as soldiers and still being used as soldiers when they are adults. It is also sickening that the American people didn't help with this conflict earlier but i do think why the U.S.A. didn't want to get invovled with armed intervention. One reason is that the countries of Uganda and Sudan are sovereign nations and can handle things on their own. Also Their was no political gain if the U.S.A. went to help out the government there to quell the rebellion. Another reason may be because of the Black Hawk down incident and the U.S.A. didn't want to start a war in Africa.

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