Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I have become more knowledgeable about the world

I. Current Events / Global Issues
There are a lot of problems with the world today as the students learned from their presentations. There are big problems right now like the broken global economy, global warming, and human rights issues. These are all big topics that can't be explained in just a single paragraph. One Issue that the class has learned about was the issue in Uganda. There is an example of human rights violations. Children have been terrorized by the LRA and some captured to be used as children soldiers. This has been happening for about 20 years and nothing really has been done. This was a shock to me and I could not believe that the global community has done anything about it except for food aid.

II. History of the 20th century

The past century was eventful in a nutshell. In the beginning of the century there was still new imperialism and there were many European colonies. With nationalism stirring up turmoil in the Balkans some of the multi-ethnic empires of the world fell in WWI. Nationalism also played a role in WWII when Hitler had to unite Germany under a racist cause. This century is also plagued with many wars all over the Globe and both world wars. But with all the strife and turmoil there is some hope. Modern science advanced greatly in the 20th century and new technologies were being made all the time. There are both pros and cons to science. The nuclear fission can create energy for millions but it can also be used as a bomb. Medicine improved greatly after the 1800's and some soldiers survived their wounds. Modern science also improved agriculture through genetic engineering. The 20th century was both the best and the worst century at the same time.

III. Human Diversity

The world is neither black nor white. Race is just an illusion. We are all human beings and nobody should be judged because they look different than you. Using race is just a quick way to categorize people and clump them into groups. Geography had to do with some of our skin deep differences. We can look back to Mr. Diamond with his theory of how the world became ruled by white people. His answer was that geography had to play a role in it.

IV. Places on earth

Just as people are diverse so is the world's geography. Planet earth has many different locations and no two place are exactly alike. There are extreme highs like Mount Everest and extreme lows like the Mariana trench. There are deserts both the sandy Sahara and the cold polar regions. These extremes of mother nature has inspired any people to go explore and have an adventure. These extremes have also separated people and led these divided groups of people to create their own culture

V. Cultures of the Worlds societies

There are six billion of us and not everyone has the same opinions and culture. As the world grows people need to be more considerate of other cultures. Lets take Japan into perspective. They seem totally weird and out there but they have different customs than we do. While we think that individualism should be expressed, the Japanese might take an offense and think that is weird. Also in many other places around the world there are different customs. When we think that belching after a meal is rude it is sometime necessary to do so to show respect to the cook. Also Muslim women have to cover themselves but that is just apart of Arabic culture. We just all have to learn to respect other cultures as we become a global community.

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