Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed through analysis of primary sources of many kinds

A primary source is anything that can be evidence produced during the time under study. They offer an inside view of a particular event. They are reliable accounts of the past. They are archival evidence. Types of primary sources are but not limited to biographies, diaries, email, interviews, letters, creative works, news film footage, official documents, posters, speeches, etc.

Boer weapons

The picture above has a set of Boer War memorabilia. The Boer Wars were a pair of two wars As countries were looking for colonies countries conflicted. Like in South Africa, the British came there around 1880 and they saw Danish settlers already there called the Boers. Hungry for land, the British imperial machine took most of the Boer lands. So these Boers resisted their British rule in the first Boer war 1880-81. This conflict with the Boers and British is called the Boer wars. This picture came from a National Boer War Memorial association, and this is a credible source because they contain materials from the Boer war.

This political cartoon is a great representation of the white mans burden. It shows who was really carrying the burden. The rich western countries of the world dominated other lands to expand their economy. On the other hand the natives suffered under the yoke of industrial labor. For example, Indians had to work in mills and out of their house, they had to serve in the British army, and they had to be taught in British schools. Some Indians hated that because they thought that it was an attack on their culture. even though people resented the change, the new imperialism brought India out of a slump and new roads, buildings, and factories were built. This picture is public domain and was found on Wikipedia. This source may be a problem because when trying to make a case you can't go find evidence by word of mouth, there needs to be physical proof like documentation.

This photo shows how well mannered imperialists can have a jolly good time in the jungle. This picture shows us that the African bush is the backyard for adventurers. This is just a way to show the people of the home-land the exotic things of foreign lands. Also in the African jungle there was a tale of of a lost adventurer Dr. Livingstone. He was a byproduct of British influence on Africa. This picture came from a site that is recommended by the Birmingham GRID for learning, UK.

Not only did the Europeans have colonies, the U.S.A. joined in and used its big stick to meddle in Latin America and the pacific. That was U.S.A.'s imperialism. while the Americans tamed the wild west they also got involved in globally with the Spanish American War. This started out mostly because of scare tactics used by newspapers about a sunk ship of the coast of Cuba. After the war, the U.S.A. was introduced in the world stage and got territory like Puerto Rico. This picture came off of Harvard's web link archives. Harvard is a prestigious school it wouldn't plagiarize...right?

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