Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ive learned leaders in many nations of the world face complex problems that they feel cannot be solved without international action or cooperation

I have learned many things over this year. I learned about some national issues that need to be dealt with like how to win the war in Afghanistan and most recently the Uganda conflict. What was most shocking to me was that there was a war in Uganda now for 20 years and not many people were talking about it or noticing it. This was very shocking news that why didn't other nations help the conflict. This needs extra-national help now. Millions of lives have already been lost and no more should be killed. To solve this problem we might have to change the governments leadership from its corruption. Then reality checks in this is just modern day of the white mans burden and the west trying to solve the worlds problems. No, this won't be a an American European contingency, it should involve all of the nations to help solve this crisis.

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