Thursday, November 5, 2009

Baghdad, Iraq بغداد ، العراق

A map of the City of Baghdad

The statue of Saddam Being hauled away from its pedestal.

Hey everybody. Here I am supporting the troops by making a visit to Baghdad. You might not know it but Baghdad was built by one of the earliest civilizations called the Sumerians. I learned that when I got a brochure to come to Baghdad. It also said that some archaeological sites are being destroyed by this war. Because of the war the economy of Iraq stagnates and not much can be done with that until the war is over. What was a monument of Saddam that you could have seen was taken down and so was his regime. In recent years Baghdad is facing better than it had before. There are less and less occurrences of terrorist attacks but the people are still vigilant. In the early start of the war the city was a mess with destroyed houses and rubble everywhere. One survivor told me that he couldn't get water because he had to get it from the outside but was to scared to go out and get it. One bad thing is that not every body has access to clean water during war. The rebuilding of some apartments are being demanded by those that are homeless because of the war he tells me. He also tells me that the citizens can vote now which is a very good thing because the power is in the hands of the people. I would not recommend coming here until the war is over and then it would be safer to look at the ancient history of this city.

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1 comment:

  1. Great work on the virtual postcards. You might be among those most likely to end up cited as a source in somebody's research paper! You met, and in many instances, exceeded the project's goals. 36/36 sourcing, 60/60 postcards. Thanks for your work.
