Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kiev, Ukraine Київ, Україна

Parliamentary buildings in Kiev.

A prime example of Byzantine architecture.

Hello from Kiev have to enjoy the splendors of this city. This city is so beautiful and as over one hundred churches within Kiev's borders. With a book in my hand from one of the city's libraries I learned that Kiev is very old. The city can trace its root to the ninth century. Kiev was the capital of Kievan Rus. Rus is where we get the word Russia from but Ukraine is called Ukraine because it meant borderland. After the Mongol hordes invaded Kievan Rus in the fourteenth century the are was going to be dominated by foreign powers before it became independent in 1991. The whole entire country is mostly Orthodox and many orthodox Churches can be seen in Kiev. These churches attract many pilgrims from across the globe to amaze its viewers with the beauty of the byzantine style. Going to convert my money i learned that because Ukraine isn't apart of the European Union the Ukrainian currency is worth less than the dollar. A congressman of Ukraine told me that Ukraine has a major role in European politics because of the gas lines that run through the country giving oil to the rest of Europe. The city has some old roads in it nearby the Churches but downtown is completely modern. There was a need for better health care because Kiev was so close to Chernobyl some children are being born with cancer in their throats. Because Ukraine is now a democracy the people can enjoy the lifestyles of the west because the people were cut off from the rest of the world under Soviet leadership. The only environmental impact that come from Kiev was the Chernobyl accident. With the beauy of religion andd hte secular combined make Kiev a wonderful place to visit. Go there and be amazed and humbled.

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