Monday, November 30, 2009


Hey guys,

The next posts for the next couple of weeks will be my Midterm Exam. In the blog I will talk to you about what I have learned over the first and second quarter. In the very beginning our class learned about Afghanistan and the situation over there. I learned that Afghanistan is the way it is because of the tribal mentality of the people. The next couple of things that we learned were about the theory of Guns Germs and Steel. In it was Jared Diamond and he proposed why is Europe and the United States so powerful and well off compared to the rest of the world. IN a nut shell he stated that because of the advantage of having guns germs and steel and utilizing it drove the European society to be so advanced and influence the whole world. Another thing we learned was about the industrial revolution and the impact it had on demographics, disease and poverty. The movie Oliver Twist showed us the world of the First Industrial Revolution happening in the early 1800's and how people usually got sick when they entered in the booming cities, and people mistreated the poor not knowing that their way of Industrialization created most of the poor. The Second Industrial Revolution occurred in the late 1800's. It was similar to the first but the important resources changed from coal and steam in the early 1800's to steel and electricity in the late 1800's. Recently our class has learned about nationalism and its impact in Europe. Europe in the 1800's was swept with nationalism. There were mixed feelings about nationalism in different countries/empires. I hope that these next blogs would be enjoyable and informative.

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