Thursday, November 5, 2009

Berlin, Germany

Berlin Wall an icon of the Cold War.

A beautiful overlook of the city.

Guten Tag! from Berlin, Germany. I have finally visited Europe on my trip. I chose Berlin for my next trip because of this cities historical significance in the last century. Berlin is the biggest city in Germany. Too bad I missed Oktoberfest that happened months earlier. Oktoberfest is a festival where the Germans celebrated their harvest just like back in the States with Thanksgiving. As I traveled throughout the city I found remnants of the Berlin Wall. I wanted to find out why there was a Berlin Wall. I went to the city's museums and looked around. The city was founded in the thirteenth century and was the capital city of the Prussians. One place said the western half of the city was occupied by America, France, and Great Britain. Each country controlled its own zone while the eastern part of the city was under Soviet control. A wall was built so that Germans on the east stay on their side. There are some awkward streets and roads because of the Berlin Wall but its not that bad. Today after WWII the Germans live peacefully and want to forget their turbulent past. As I was told by someone working at the museum told me that the economy of Germany is the third biggest in the world. With that the people are rich and have a similar lifestyle like us in the United States. Like all big cities Berlin isn't innocent of polluting the Earth with its many cars. Berlin is a place infamous in the Cold War and today a unified city. I would definitely recommend coming to Berlin and become apart of the new history of Berlin.

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