Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Beijing, China 北京,中国

Feels just like home with McDonalds.

The Forbidden City, the home of the Emperor!
Nihao, My name is Orest and I am on a trip around the world. My first stop was Beijing, the capital of China. The first thing after the long plane trip I wanted to visit the famous Imperial Palace. When I got there the most of the place has become a museum. There I learned about the interesting history of this ancient land. I read on one plaque that stated that in one thousand B.C. Beijing was once a trading post and not until the fifteenth century did it become the capital of China. After leaving the museum/palace I came to a place called Tienanmen Square. I remembered from the museum that this place in the 1980's had protest. This protest was against communism by mostly young people who wanted China to become a democracy. Eventhough the people look to me that they like their government, that memory is still in the back of many peoples minds. When getting to my cab the cab driver told me in broken English that I was in the Dongcheng District, one of the sixteen districts of Beijing. I asked the cab driver to tell me where was the nearest shopping plaza was and there was one in the Chaoyang District. I then realized that my hotel is in that district too and i couldn't wait to visit the district's many restaurants. The place is covered with western brand names in blazing lights and also some homeland companies. I think that the people here have accepted western culture and embraced it while retaining their own Chinese style. Like al cities there are some bad areas of town but it would be best ot avoid the narrow alleyways in some of the slums. I would recomend to go to Beijing and have a great cultural experience while your there but be warned not everyone knows english so have a handy Chinese/English dictionary on hand.
Page Sources:
http://www.drben.net/China Report/Beijing/Landmarks-Hotspots/DongCheng/Gugong-Palace_Museum/Beijing-Landmarks-Hotspots-Menu_Forbidden_City_Palace_Museum.html
Picture Sources:

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