Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mexico City, Mexico

An overview of Mexico City

The angel statue of Mexico City.

¡Hola! I'm brushing up my Spanish here while I am in Mexico City. I know, I know, I shouldn't be going when there is a swine flu outbreak but I'm vaccinated os everything will be Okay. On my flight I heard that his city is the capital and the biggest city of Mexico. The first thing that I saw out my window was the shear size of the city. After unpacking at my hotel like always I go to the museums and learn a Little history of the city. I learned that this city used to be called Tenochtitlan which was the capital of the Aztec empire. As time went on for this city it was renamed to Mexico City by the Spaniards and was he capital of New Spain. Then Mexico City became the capital of the new country of Mexico. In the museum there were works of art form famous Mexican painters like Diego Rivera and Freida Kahlo. A cab driver told me that Diego Rivera's is very popular and his works of art can be seen scattered across the city. Just like NYC, Mexico City has too many cars, and there is smog in Mexico City. That smog could create some health problems if you are outside to much and breath that polluted air. The city is really big in area as I saw on one map and the city's suburbs could be considered towns said the cab driver. Like all modern day cities Mexico City has a grid pattern of roads with some European roundabouts. A businessman told me that Mexico City also has built new skyscrapers in downtown with a modern look. I would recommend coming to Mexico City if you would like to see the historical aspects of the city or enjoy the museums.

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