Monday, December 14, 2009

Unit 5 What did I learn?

I learned many things this past semester in World History II class. In December 2009 can explain to you why their is a situation in Afghanistan. I know now that Nationalism was once seen as a concert but now a competition. I know more about the Industrial Revolution than I did in Mr. G's class. I can tell you the differences of the first and second Industrial Revolutions. My test is proof enough. Also I liked learning about the theory of Guns, Germs, and Steel. Again my paper that we did in class is proof of that. I understand know why the militant extremists fight us and why it is hard t unify Afghanistan with nationalism. I really like learning more about Afghanistan than just listening to the media propaganda. Nothing really frustrated me when learning in this course. I really liked that I could do bogs for class homeworks and even this, an exam. No other class excpet english has started uing the technology of blogging for school work. There really no obstacles that I have faced that would have make learning difficult. Thank you Mrs. Lawson for giving the class this unique opportunity to an exam like this!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

REFLEC & RE-INVENT: Nationalism

Nationalism was a good thing. It was once about how the world cooperates under many very different countries. As Nationalism progressed it became a competition. This competitiveness had its pluses and minuses.With competitiveness brought some great inventions. The down side was that many nations thinking they were the best they wanted to share that ideology to other countries. Many new colonies were set up in Africa because of the competitiveness of the European countries. Nationalism also breeds wars because the idea my country is the best should be taught to all people. Nationalism should be reinvented into the concert form where all nations cooperate with each their own unique abilities. On the other hand I think It should be changed into an idea of globalism where we are all humans and be proud of it.

REVIEW: Compare and Contrast stories

Tsar Nicholas II

Archduke Ferdinand

Our story was about the cycle of repression and rebellion in Russia. There was a different situation in Russia than the rest of Europe. Russian standards and society were about 200 years out dated. The reason being is that Russia was dominated under Mongol rule and then until the 1400's did they gain independence from the Mongols. Then until the reforms of Peter the Great did most of the backwardness go away. Russia was still backwards by the fact that they still used serfs as the workhorse for the economy. The serfs rebelled when they were set free . They rebelled because they were too poor to afford necessities to life and went to complain to the czar. Also one rebellion did manage to win the hearts of the people. The leader was V. I . Lenin who changed Russia into a communist state. The story of repression and rebellion isn't different in with the situation in Austria-Hungary. The different ethnicities wanted their own country not a German speaking Austrian one. The Austro-Hungarians did repress the rebellions but when WWI struck they lost most of their lands and some of the ethnicities gained their own country. There were two exceptions: One was Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. They were both multi-ethnical countries but the rivalries in Yugoslavia was the worst.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

RECAP: What was Nationalism and it's impact

Nationalism is a feeling of strong pride to one's country. This belief emerged in the the 1800's when there was a growth of imperialism in Europe. It started with the revolutions of the 1700's when America and France had revolutions. The people of imperial European countries began to feel new passions toward their country. There was nationalism in every country. Nationalism was beneficial in some countries while it was a disaster in others. Nationalism was also used as a tool by the government to rally its people to unify. This happened in Germany and Italy. The case of nationalism in Austria-Hungary did not go so well. That country contained many cultural and ethnical boundaries. Nationalism could not be used to rally the people together to unity, rather it would have split them apart. It did when WWI happened. In fact it was nationalism that started the fist world war. Since then European nations identify themselves with a certain ethnical background. The countries of former Yugoslavia still fight with each other to this day based on there ethnicity.

UNIT 4 Nationalism: From Concert to Competition.

Nationalism is a pretty big topic. It first started out as a belief that all countries are unique and add their own flavor to the world. Like different instruments do with the orchestra. Then with the advent of imperialism nationalism changed from being a concert to a competition. The citizens of hte world's nations were all saying that their country is the best and all other others pale in comparison.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Shibuya Crossing

I think that the most interesting place to live in would be Tokyo. Tokyo is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world. While the city is now a technological haven the city still retains most of its cultural and historical background. The city has 23 different city wards. The asakusa district is the city's cultural center. That part of the city contains the Sensoji Temple one of the oldest Buddhist temples in the Tokyo. The Asakusa district also is one of the greenest parts of Tokyo with many gardens. In the Shibuya district you can see the more modern and up-to-date part of Tokyo. It looks like as if the Japanese modeled Shibuya after Manhattan and Times Square. There is only one major downside to living in Tokyo. The downside is that because space for living costs so much people live in tiny apartments. I just couldn't stand living in small spaces for all my life. The people are workaholics because there are fewer holidays in Japan than any other developed country. That I believe is just plain evil.


RECAP: Summary of Industrialization in the 1800's PART II

The topic of Industrialization cannot be covered in one post because the first post is devoted to the First Industrial Revolution. The second revolution lasted from the mid-1800's to early 1900's. The second industrial revolution brings iron as the major good to start industrialization. With iron, the buildings became larger, the bridges became longer and more sturdy, and the railroads can travel farther. Electricity replaced steam as the major energy provider in the Second Industrial Revolution. Also with the second industrial revolution there was an emphasis on the sciences to produce new goods. the first country to do that was Germany and their dye factories. Also most of hte diseases that were caused by the poor living conditions were eradicated. Now in the late 1800's people began to realize where germs came from and they learned better cleaning habits. That lead to less widespread disease. Also the fear of being mugged in the dark alleyways were long gone with the new invention of the light bulb. The cities of the world can now be active more hours of the day. The downside t this is that work hours may be extended in the winter.

RECAP: Summary of Industrialization in the 1800's

In the late 1700's the world changed its production methods from everything being home made to being made in big factories and mills. The First Industrial Revolution began in the late 1700's to the mid-1800's. The First Industrial Revolution started with an emphasis on coal as the major factor to stat industrializing. Coal and steam powered the First Industrial Revolution. The story of Oliver Twist is set in the first industrial revolution. The streets were messy, and people got sick with many different diseases. These diseases were caused by the poor living conditions that people faced in the city. Diseases like cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis were caused by the unsanitary streets. There were no sewage systems in the old medieval towns, so people just threw their waste out the window! The streets were also filled with many poor people. The people thought back then that people were poor because they were lazy. That ideas is wrong. The working class worked really hard in harsh conditions that could endanger their lives with meager pay. They were just one step from being poor. If somebody got hurt at work or got sick then they would be out of a job and thus poor. So the idea of poor people being lazy is wrong. The city improved in the advent of the Second Industrial Revolutions. The rest will be revealed in the next post.


Now I am going to0 talk to ou about how the first and second industrial revolutions have affected the world around us today.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

REFLECT: Your thoughts

With the geographic luck of the Europeans they have changed the whole entire world. They conquered the world because of their competitiveness and guns,germs, and steel were on their side. If not for the Europeans invading the civilizations in the Americas, they would advance in technology at a later time. If not for the Europeans then Africa would be a more stable place. With industrialization people that lived in the tropics moved into the city. When that happened people got more often sick which then causes the poverty of many tropical African nation.

REVISIT: Update on situation of African poverty

In the tropical nations of africa there is widespread disease and poverty. The cause was that as people moved into cities people got closer to infect each other. When a person gets infected then they are not working. When they are not working they are not making money and money is used to help the sick person. With poor leadership in many African governments outside help is not being distributed for all people. Also in Africa there are wars, genocides, and famines the stricken the land. One third of the population has malnutrition, 1 in 6 children die before being 5 years old, and the average age of a person is 41 years. Many do not finish school.

Document Sources

RECAP: Summarize what you've learned

The topic of guns germs and steel was very interesting. I would have never though that those reasons made Europe excel far beyond other nations. There criteria to become a civilization. After 10,000 B.C., the last ice age, people started to change form being a hunter/gatherer society to a more agrarian society. This means that more people became farmers. The first civilizations sprouted from where the first farmers were. As people became better farmers they have a surplus of food. This means that other people can invent new things instead of working for food. Also as people became farmers they domesticated animals. Living alongside animals gave humans immunity or resistance to many diseases. This was not the case in Papua New Guinea. They had farming but the food was calorie deficient and hard to farm meaning that the farmers worked just as hard as the hunter gathers for food. As Mesopotamia grew strong it's inventions, ideas, and immunities moved east and west. How did Europe become the leader of the world and not Asia when Asia was more technologically advanced 2000 years ago. One thing was that European nations were constantly fighting each other. The gears of war gave rise to new inventions and exploration. Back in China they were locked in there area and the Emperor was pleased with his empire and did not desire to go exploring. When the Europeans traveled they brought there diseases and there superior fire power which decimated the local populations in the Americas. There were mixed results in Africa. In Africa they killed of many people with their guns, but the European diseases had no effect on the Africans. The reason being Africa was already exposed to their diseases. But tropical disease rampages the tropics in Africa.


Now I am going to look back on the theory of Guns Germs and Steel. It gave a new spin to why Europe and the United states had an advantage over the whole world.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

REFLECT: Personal thoughts about afghanistan

Afghanistan is in a world of turmoil. Militant extremists are being attacked by our troops while the regular everyday people of Afghanistan are being terrorized. The situation there is just a mess and looks like it is getting worse. The reason for the fighting is because of the extremists who hate anyone that does not support their beliefs. Plus the fact that Afghanistan has a tribal mentality means that most people are more loyal to their tribal chieftain than the president of Afghanistan. There are many different ethnicities in Afghanistan. Each region has its own ethnicity with its own tribal leader. Sometimes these chieftains fight with each other for land and small wars between them erupt. The feeling of nationalism of being an afghan needs to be stirred into the people so that the small conflicts would stop. With the whole society wanting a better Afghanistan. With a truly united Afghan people, the people as a whole would join help their army to defeat the Taliban which has caused them much grief. This can only happen when the people can share a common goal and not warring tribes.

REVISIT: New info on religion in Afghanistan

Because of Islam strict rules there is a persecutions of Christians in Afghanistan. The sharia law states that if a Muslim converts to and other religion that they should sentenced to death. So christian missionaries in Afghanistan are looked down upon by the local people and are persecuted. The radical Muslims hate the west especially the U.S. because of our christian values and our protection of Israel. These extremists are almost an unstoppable force. The president will have a summit talking about the war in Afghanistan. I think the right think to do would be to put more troops in the are and every inch should have a soldier waiting to fight and crush enemy forces. I think to stop the war would be to break the resolve of the militants to stop fighting a war they cannot win, but they fight it anyway. Looking back to August there was an election that many believed to be rigged so that Karzai would win. Now there is a situation that the president is sending in 30,000 new troops to fight in Afghanistan. The re-elected Karzai said the would appoint honest ministers that would work in his cabinet. The U.S. is likely to be in Afghanistan until the afghan's security forces can deal with the terrorists. The fact that the president is calling in more troops is to stop the momentum of the Taliban

RECAP: What I learned about Afghanistan

I learned many different aspects of Afghanistan in this unit and seeing other students informative projects. But I specifically know a lot about the religions of the area. I learned that Afghanistan has an extensive history with many different religions being prevalent in its past. A religion called Zoroastrianism originated in the Afghan area. I learned that it was the first religion that was monotheistic, meaning belief in one god. It was a precursor to the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The religion of Zoroastrianism thrived in ancient times until the advent of Buddhism and Hinduism. There the region had many Buddhist landmarks and even giant statues of Buddhas were carve into the mountain ranges. There was a presence of Jewish settlements in Afghanistan. The Jews were exiled in Assyria which was then taken over by the Persians. These Jews circulated with in the Persian empire which contained modern day Afghanistan with in its borders. When Christianity appeared around 2000 years ago it slowly migrated to Afghanistan. When Christianity reached present day Afghanistan, the communities were small and Christianity was a minority. Then in the late 600's and early 700's Islam swept the middle east and many converted to Islam. The few Christians and the reigning Buddhists were gone almost over night. The Buddhist temples were defiled and destroyed by the Muslims. Since the 800's Islam is the dominant religion in the Afghan area.


The next three posts will be designated for the information we learned about Afghanistan. They will be the recap, the revisit, and the reflect.
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