Sunday, December 6, 2009

RECAP: Summarize what you've learned

The topic of guns germs and steel was very interesting. I would have never though that those reasons made Europe excel far beyond other nations. There criteria to become a civilization. After 10,000 B.C., the last ice age, people started to change form being a hunter/gatherer society to a more agrarian society. This means that more people became farmers. The first civilizations sprouted from where the first farmers were. As people became better farmers they have a surplus of food. This means that other people can invent new things instead of working for food. Also as people became farmers they domesticated animals. Living alongside animals gave humans immunity or resistance to many diseases. This was not the case in Papua New Guinea. They had farming but the food was calorie deficient and hard to farm meaning that the farmers worked just as hard as the hunter gathers for food. As Mesopotamia grew strong it's inventions, ideas, and immunities moved east and west. How did Europe become the leader of the world and not Asia when Asia was more technologically advanced 2000 years ago. One thing was that European nations were constantly fighting each other. The gears of war gave rise to new inventions and exploration. Back in China they were locked in there area and the Emperor was pleased with his empire and did not desire to go exploring. When the Europeans traveled they brought there diseases and there superior fire power which decimated the local populations in the Americas. There were mixed results in Africa. In Africa they killed of many people with their guns, but the European diseases had no effect on the Africans. The reason being Africa was already exposed to their diseases. But tropical disease rampages the tropics in Africa.

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