Monday, December 14, 2009

Unit 5 What did I learn?

I learned many things this past semester in World History II class. In December 2009 can explain to you why their is a situation in Afghanistan. I know now that Nationalism was once seen as a concert but now a competition. I know more about the Industrial Revolution than I did in Mr. G's class. I can tell you the differences of the first and second Industrial Revolutions. My test is proof enough. Also I liked learning about the theory of Guns, Germs, and Steel. Again my paper that we did in class is proof of that. I understand know why the militant extremists fight us and why it is hard t unify Afghanistan with nationalism. I really like learning more about Afghanistan than just listening to the media propaganda. Nothing really frustrated me when learning in this course. I really liked that I could do bogs for class homeworks and even this, an exam. No other class excpet english has started uing the technology of blogging for school work. There really no obstacles that I have faced that would have make learning difficult. Thank you Mrs. Lawson for giving the class this unique opportunity to an exam like this!

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome! Thank you for making the most of the opportunity. I appreciate the effort you put forth, not just on this project, but throughout the year.
