Tuesday, December 8, 2009

RECAP: Summary of Industrialization in the 1800's PART II

The topic of Industrialization cannot be covered in one post because the first post is devoted to the First Industrial Revolution. The second revolution lasted from the mid-1800's to early 1900's. The second industrial revolution brings iron as the major good to start industrialization. With iron, the buildings became larger, the bridges became longer and more sturdy, and the railroads can travel farther. Electricity replaced steam as the major energy provider in the Second Industrial Revolution. Also with the second industrial revolution there was an emphasis on the sciences to produce new goods. the first country to do that was Germany and their dye factories. Also most of hte diseases that were caused by the poor living conditions were eradicated. Now in the late 1800's people began to realize where germs came from and they learned better cleaning habits. That lead to less widespread disease. Also the fear of being mugged in the dark alleyways were long gone with the new invention of the light bulb. The cities of the world can now be active more hours of the day. The downside t this is that work hours may be extended in the winter.

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