Tuesday, December 1, 2009

REVISIT: New info on religion in Afghanistan

Because of Islam strict rules there is a persecutions of Christians in Afghanistan. The sharia law states that if a Muslim converts to and other religion that they should sentenced to death. So christian missionaries in Afghanistan are looked down upon by the local people and are persecuted. The radical Muslims hate the west especially the U.S. because of our christian values and our protection of Israel. These extremists are almost an unstoppable force. The president will have a summit talking about the war in Afghanistan. I think the right think to do would be to put more troops in the are and every inch should have a soldier waiting to fight and crush enemy forces. I think to stop the war would be to break the resolve of the militants to stop fighting a war they cannot win, but they fight it anyway. Looking back to August there was an election that many believed to be rigged so that Karzai would win. Now there is a situation that the president is sending in 30,000 new troops to fight in Afghanistan. The re-elected Karzai said the would appoint honest ministers that would work in his cabinet. The U.S. is likely to be in Afghanistan until the afghan's security forces can deal with the terrorists. The fact that the president is calling in more troops is to stop the momentum of the Taliban

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