Tuesday, December 8, 2009

RECAP: Summary of Industrialization in the 1800's

In the late 1700's the world changed its production methods from everything being home made to being made in big factories and mills. The First Industrial Revolution began in the late 1700's to the mid-1800's. The First Industrial Revolution started with an emphasis on coal as the major factor to stat industrializing. Coal and steam powered the First Industrial Revolution. The story of Oliver Twist is set in the first industrial revolution. The streets were messy, and people got sick with many different diseases. These diseases were caused by the poor living conditions that people faced in the city. Diseases like cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis were caused by the unsanitary streets. There were no sewage systems in the old medieval towns, so people just threw their waste out the window! The streets were also filled with many poor people. The people thought back then that people were poor because they were lazy. That ideas is wrong. The working class worked really hard in harsh conditions that could endanger their lives with meager pay. They were just one step from being poor. If somebody got hurt at work or got sick then they would be out of a job and thus poor. So the idea of poor people being lazy is wrong. The city improved in the advent of the Second Industrial Revolutions. The rest will be revealed in the next post.

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