Sunday, December 13, 2009

REVIEW: Compare and Contrast stories

Tsar Nicholas II

Archduke Ferdinand

Our story was about the cycle of repression and rebellion in Russia. There was a different situation in Russia than the rest of Europe. Russian standards and society were about 200 years out dated. The reason being is that Russia was dominated under Mongol rule and then until the 1400's did they gain independence from the Mongols. Then until the reforms of Peter the Great did most of the backwardness go away. Russia was still backwards by the fact that they still used serfs as the workhorse for the economy. The serfs rebelled when they were set free . They rebelled because they were too poor to afford necessities to life and went to complain to the czar. Also one rebellion did manage to win the hearts of the people. The leader was V. I . Lenin who changed Russia into a communist state. The story of repression and rebellion isn't different in with the situation in Austria-Hungary. The different ethnicities wanted their own country not a German speaking Austrian one. The Austro-Hungarians did repress the rebellions but when WWI struck they lost most of their lands and some of the ethnicities gained their own country. There were two exceptions: One was Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. They were both multi-ethnical countries but the rivalries in Yugoslavia was the worst.

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