Thursday, December 10, 2009

RECAP: What was Nationalism and it's impact

Nationalism is a feeling of strong pride to one's country. This belief emerged in the the 1800's when there was a growth of imperialism in Europe. It started with the revolutions of the 1700's when America and France had revolutions. The people of imperial European countries began to feel new passions toward their country. There was nationalism in every country. Nationalism was beneficial in some countries while it was a disaster in others. Nationalism was also used as a tool by the government to rally its people to unify. This happened in Germany and Italy. The case of nationalism in Austria-Hungary did not go so well. That country contained many cultural and ethnical boundaries. Nationalism could not be used to rally the people together to unity, rather it would have split them apart. It did when WWI happened. In fact it was nationalism that started the fist world war. Since then European nations identify themselves with a certain ethnical background. The countries of former Yugoslavia still fight with each other to this day based on there ethnicity.

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